अवहारो मुहुः
अवहारो मुहुः पृथ्व्या चाकाशेन च मुञ्चति ।
बुद्धिं विषादभक्त्यास्तु संवदन्त्यल्पभाषिणः ॥
अग्निर्वायुः पृथिव्यापो भीरु भूतं च पञ्चमम् ।
बुद्धिरर्हति चेद्रुद्धं कालचक्रं हि रोधसा ॥
शेते तु चुलुके ऽनन्तमवकाशेन जिह्मितम् ।
एवं शरदि तत्काले मध्यतो दिनसाययोः ॥
पश्चिमायां दहन्दीप्रं शुक्र एकाकि लम्बते ।
आसीत्पूर्व्वतमो दीपो निर्वाते संश्रये नवाम् ॥
Transliteration anzeigen
avahāro muhuḥ pṛthvyā câkāśena ca muñcati
buddhiṃ viṣādabhaktyās tu; saṃvadanty alpabhāṣiṇaḥ
agnir vāyuḥ pṛthivyâpo bhīru bhūtaṃ ca pañcamam.
buddhir arhati ced, ruddhaṃ kālacakraṃ hi rodhasā.
śete tu culuke ’nantam avakāśena jihmitam.
evaṃ śaradi tatkāle madhyato dinasāyayoḥ
paścimāyāṃ dahan dīpraṃ śukra ekāki lambate.
āsīt pūrvvatamo dīpo nirvāte saṃśraye navām.
Original anzeigen
Edna St. Vincent Millay Truce for a Moment
Truce for a moment between Earth and Ether
Slackens the mind’s allegiance to despair:
Shyly confer earth, water, fire and air
With the fifth essence.
For the duration, if the mind require it,
Trigged is the wheel of Time against the slope;
Infinite space lies curved with the scope
Of the hand’s cradle.
Thus between day and evening in the autumn,
High in the west alone and burning bright,
Venus has hung, the earliest riding-light
In the calm harbor.